2011 – 2022 History

2011    Organizational efforts, Articles of incorporation, bylaws

2012    IRS 501c3 designation ($0.0 in the bank)

2013    Funded and prepared 400 free Fourth of July meals (Started with $1,000 donation from each Board Member and the Board purchased the food, cooked, and served it)

2014    Funded and prepared 400 free Fourth of July meals, began negotiating with USFS re Holland Lake Permits for Valley Residents

2015    Funded and prepared 400 free Fourth of July meals and distributed 300 Holland Lake Passes for residents

2016    Funded and prepared 500 free Fourth of July meals and distributed 300 Holland Lake Passes for residents

2017    Funded and prepared 500 free Fourth of July meals and distributed 300 Holland Lake Passes for residents. Wrote, and successfully acquired Donner Foundation Grant established the Foundation Endowment, funded a Swan Valley community economic development workshop, funded Missoula Aging Services resource professional for the Swan Valley and funded four Small Community Grants.

            Alpine Artisans                       Two Valley Stage performances

            Swan Valley PTA                   Career Fair with 19 Valley Businesses participating

            USVHS                                   Gordon Ranch Book

            SVES                                      Field Trips and Science Fair

2018    Funded and prepared 500 free Fourth of July meals and distributed 300 Holland Lake Passes for residents, funded Missoula Aging Services specialist for Swan Valley (second year), and funded Small Community Grants

2019    Funded and distributed 200 Holland Lake Passes for community residents, the USFS was going to eliminate the community permit system. The SVCF convinced them to continue although they only let us purchase 200 passes. Funded Community Ice Skating Rink

2020    Engaged in protracted negotiations with the USFS. We were able to convince them to eliminate the day use fee and required day use permits at Holland Lake. Funded community ice skating rink maintenance grant

2021    Covid, continued to hold meetings electronically

2022    Continued to hold meetings, recruited new board member and a Volunteer CPA, began planning for the 2023 Community Gathering and recruitment of community ideas and volunteers to establish new direction for SVCF.