2024 Youth Outdoor Education Rendezvous is a big sucess

The First annual Swan Valley Youth Outdoor Education Rendezvous was held on June 15th. What a day, what an event! With big smiles and rapt attention, children and parents experienced hands on learning about ten outdoor skills. This was in spite of inclement weather, rain, wind and temperatures so cold the snow line dropped to about five thousand feet on the Swan Mountains.

See 2024 Youth for the story.

2024 Youth

The big event is tomorrow June 15th staring at 7:30.

Swan Valley Community Foundation Youth Outdoor Education Rendezvous volunteers setting the American Legion Ball Field up for the rendezvous tomorrow. Volunteer’s efforts for the last month mowing, cleaning up down trees and vegetation and generally sprucing things up came to fruition today as they moved in the tents and equipment for tomorrow’s event. See 2024 Youth for full story.

Swan Valley Community Foundation Small Grants Deadline extended to Friday June 14th

The Foundation discovered May 10th that there was an email glitch on our website and we did not receive at least two small grant applications. We fixed this issue and the email is now functioning properly. We are extending the deadline for grant submission to Friday May 14th. If you submitted a grant application by email and have not heard from the Foundation that we received it, please resubmit it to admin@swanvalleyfoundation.org and treasurer@swanvalleyfoundation.org. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you

The Swan Valley Community Foundation.

Thank You Swan Valley!

Our community celebration at the Hungry Bear on June 27th was a big success.

A great big thank you to the 100 Swan Valley Residents that came to the Swan Valley Community Foundation 2023 Celebration Dinner and thank you to the Hungry Bear for hosting us.
By all accounts everyone had a good time, the food was excellent, and the music was fine.
Best of all, lots of laughter, and good conversations with old friends and new.

We shared a a brief history of the Foundation with our guests and how it was time to formulate a new strategic plan. We asked them to help us over dinner by talking about community needs they saw in the valley and how the Foundation might help.

We asked folks to write their ideas down on cards, and if willing, to volunteer to help with foundation projects or even serve on the board.

The response was very positive and we collected 71 cards. Now we are transcribing the cards and collating the suggestions. We will send out an informational email later in July that summarizes the suggestions and describes what the Foundation sees for its agenda over the next few years.

Joyce Sharp with acclaim from all, received the first annual Swan Valley Community Service Award, for her tireless and unstinting work supporting the Swan Valley Emergency Services and the Swan Valley Fire Service Area Board.
Seven Swan Valley community oriented groups successfully applied for SVCF community service grants. Representatives from those groups received their grants after dinner.
Each representative spoke about their group and how they were going to use the funds.
The groups received a total of $9,100 in Grants. These funds will help: the Alpine Artisans bring musical artists into Swan Valley Elementary School; the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 63 install lights on our flag at the Community Hall; the Living with Wildlife Foundation clean up wildlife attractants at campsites throughout the valley; the Swan Valley Community Library replace the worn out classics collection; the Swan Valley PTA host the Missoula Childrens’ Theatre; the Swan Valley Senior Services provide nutritious hot meals to our elderly, and the Upper Swan Valley Historical Society repair a leaky roof at the Museum.

And finally a great big thank you to those who donated funds. That is really appreciated and supports the continued work of the Foundation.

We wish everyone in the Swan Valley to have a very good Fourth of July!